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Opaque Solid Sheets Vivak®, Exolon®

Solid coloured plastic sheets for cost-efficient thermoforming

Exolon® GP B and Vivak® GP B are solid coloured sheets based on polyester or polycarbonate. The range has been specifically developed for thermoforming applications, which have to fulfill the highest conditions.

This Sheet Material combines a broad processing window during thermoforming with high temperature and shatter resistance in addition to very good fire behaviour. Deep-drawn parts made of this these materials are suitable for applications under high loads. This includes casings and protective covers for machines, electrical and electronic components, suitcases, pallets, crates, containers and bodywork parts. With halogen-free flame protection some of these sheets are predestined for the manufacture of interior trim for road and rail vehicles. Sheet types with UV protection can be used for long-term exterior applications.

What benefits do the opaque Sheets offer:

  • extremely break-resistant. Due to their high impact resistances, they are excellently suited for technical parts.
  • easy to thermoform. Good flowing properties, in combination with short cycle times, provide optimum thermoforming conditions.
  • fire resistant. Depending on the type, they are flame retardant and halogen-free, complying with the most stringent fire standards.

Further Advantages:

  • impact and heat resistant
  • low weight
  • high design flexibility
  • recyclable
  • paintable and coatable
  • protective coating against UV rays on request