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Exolon® FR – the flame retardant solution for your safety

Outstanding fire classifications for indoor applications

The Exolon® FR solid sheet, which has been tested for its fire-resistant properties, is used wherever the use of flame retardant materials is required, for example, in public transport vehicles or in the production of electrical appliances. If, for example, a fire source develops as a result of a short circuit, this can spread quickly. Exolon® FR can significantly reduce the spread of flames compared to other transparent, thermoplastic materials.

Exolon® FR is UL94-V0 rated as of 2 mm thickness, and complies with EN 45545-2 (European fire standard for rail applications) requirements R4, R22, R23 and R24.

Typical applications for Exolon® FR sheets include:

  • Lighting fixtures in railway vehicles or other modes of public transport
  • Electrotechnical components and guards which have to comply with the following fire protection requirements:
    • UL94: Fire protection requirements for the use of plastic materials for parts in devices and applications, for example plastic casings, switches, etc.
    • EN 45545-2 or FAR 25.853: Fulfilment of the fire protection requirements for material use in railway vehicles or in the field of aviation, for example, for lamp covers, linings, etc.
  • Any application where improved fire behaviour is needed for fire safe solutions

Available types:

  • Exolon® FR clear 099: in 2 to 5 mm sheet thickness in the format 2050 x 3050 mm
  • Exolon® FR DX white 139: in 3 mm sheet thickness in the format 2050 x 3050 mm

The sheets offer protection against involuntary breakage and wilful destruction. Exolon® FR sheets can be thermoformed, cold-curved and machined with ease.

Type Title / Filesize Link
Brochure Solid brochure (3 MB)
Product Data sheet data sheet (182 kB)
Productflyer Solid Product overview (286 kB)
Technical Manual Technical Manual Solid (4 MB)
Warranty warranty (107 kB)