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Who we are

Exolon Group: Going beyond!

Exolon Group is a leading supplier of solid and multiwall sheets for various innovative applications. The company develops, produces and distributes polycarbonate sheets, polyester sheets made of high-quality plastic.

Going Beyond

Going beyond the obvious is our daily business, whether it is about the development of our products or the personal service we provide to our customers, to realize their needs.

We are an inspiring partner with a human touch, that is putting our clients in the lead by listening, understanding, providing solutions and better experiences. We show what is and what is possible. And we make it happen.

Strong, clear, flexible.

The diverse European market demands flexibility and innovative spirit. In order to maintain its leading role, Exolon Group is therefore constantly driving new developments and conquering new business areas –close to the market and close to the customer. We are strong and confident about our skills, expertise and experience. clear and straightforward in the way we behave and speak and flexible in our mindset.

Including the selection and compilation of suitable raw materials, the ongoing optimization of production processes, the continuous training of employees and the promotion of innovative technologies.

Even though the name is still young, Exolon Group has over 40 years of combined expertise in the extrusion of thermoplastic sheets. Exolon Group combines proven tradition with forward-looking innovations. Since 2020, the company has been part of the Serafin Group based in Munich.

Exolon Group is a part of Serafin Group, whose philosophy is based on more than 150 years of entrepreneurial tradition of its shareholding family. Serafin invests into companies with the aim to foster their long term development in accordance with all stakeholders.

Exolon Group a Serafin company